My Recently Visited Services

Request VPN Access for an ISU Employee, vendor or student.

Request to have a wallpaper promoting a university sponsored event to be displayed to lab users.

Request public records under Idaho Code §§ 74-101 through 74-126

Microsoft Office is a suite of desktop productivity applications that is designed specifically to be used for office or business use. It mainly consists of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Outlook and Publisher applications.

7-Zip is a free archiving program for building and extracting archive files in the ZIP compression format

All proposed affiliation agreements must be submitted to ISU's Office of General Counsel for review before approval.

Report a problem with your telephone by filling out a NetCom workorder.

Self-service device registration portal for DeviceNet.

This service is reserved and used for requesting a quote for any of the Adobe enterprise licensed software. All Adobe software purchases are reconciled back to departmental Index codes.

A Metacourse is when two or more Academic courses are combined into one.

This form is required for any Telephone Move, Add, or Change that will result in a new recurring charge.

Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.

SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) computer program

Course Evaluations are created to evaluate the instruction of any given course within Moodle. This form is for Course Evaluation Coordinators. If you are not the Course Evaluation Coordinator - please contact your department.

Request to be given a copy of JMP software and ISU license.

Request Access to Enterprise-wide Application Software

Request temporary access to an ISU Computer Lab for your class or event or request assistance from a lab consultant.

General information about CollegeNet and how to request access.

Request that your ISU Password for Bengalweb, ISU Email, Moodle, etc be changed.

Report a problem connecting, staying connected or with speed on the ISU Wireless network.

Request a DocuSign account for a College or Department.

Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of desktop and mobile applications and services used for designing print and online media assets, video editing, web development, photography, and more.

Request consultation regarding integration


JMP is used in the statistics/mathematics fields and in any research, administration or field of study in which interpretation of statistics is necessary