The Accessibility+ Toolkit provides you (faculty) the opportunity to assess your course against a set of technical standards for accessibility. The reports, guides, and wizards help you to easily identify and bulk fix reported errors.
The Accessibility+ Toolkit includes wizards designed to allow you to submit error fixes in bulk to increase efficiency and reduce the pressure of creating an accessible course. Each wizard page displays proposed changes, some of which could be static text (text that you cannot edit) while others have input boxes for you to edit your own text, depending on the nature of the error.
The Moodle ISU Atto Editor has the capability to add hyperlinks to external resources directly with Moodle ISU activities and resources descriptions. When adding hyperlinks, it is important to keep accessibility and best practices in mind to ensure all users have a positive experience.
This article will help you find and fix image alt text errors quickly and efficiently, which will improve accessibility in your course.
The Moodle ISU Atto editor allows you to add heading levels to Moodle ISU content, which improves both accessibility and readability. The headings not only provide structure for Moodle ISU content that allows learners who use assistive technology to quickly navigate the content but also allows other learners to easily skim the content.
The document conversion tool is part of the Accessibility+ Toolkit and allows students to access multiple file-formats of existing file resources within a Moodle course.
The Accessibility+ Toolkit allows you to request document conversions for Moodle ISU course materials.