Articles (14)

Assignment Activity: Allowing Another Attempt [Faculty]

Additional attempts can be allowed within the Assignment for specific students, until a minimum grade is met, or until the grader is satisfied with the submission.

Assignment Activity: Grading Workflow and Allocated Grader [Faculty]

Enabling Grading Workflow in an assignment allows an instructor to have multiple rounds of grading and control when grades will be released to all students. When Allocated Grader is combined with Grading Workflow, graders (student or teacher) can be allocated to particular students to support homogeneity of the scoring process.

Assignment Activity: Granting Extensions  [Faculty]

Instructors may need to grant an assignment extension for students. This option can be completed from the Grading summary page.

Assignment Activity: Using the Rubric Grading Method [Faculty]

A rubric defines general criteria and then provides detailed descriptions for each specific point level possible for that criteria.

Exporting the Gradebook to a Downloadable File [Faculty]

The gradebook in Moodle ISU can be exported and imported using different formats. Grades can be recorded and calculated throughout the semester using Moodle ISU; however, final grades must be entered into Banner at the end of the semester.

Grades in Moodle [Student]

The grade feature in Moodle ISU displays any grades your instructor has made available for your course.

Grading Assignments [Faculty]

Moodle ISU offers faculty multiple ways to effectively grade assignments. Two common ways are to grade is through the assignment activities grading area.

Import Gradebook from an Excel (CSV) File [Faculty]

There are a variety of reasons that you may want to import a file into your Moodle ISU gradebook.  It might be easier to input and track your grades in Excel, or you may need to include grades from an external system in your Moodle ISU gradebook, or you may need to move grades from one course (such as a lab section) to another.

Moodle ISU Gradebook [Faculty]

All student grades for a course can be tracked in the gradebook. Overview of settings in the gradebook.

Quiz Activity: Adjusting a Quiz Grade [Faculty]

The quiz function in Moodle ISU allows instructors to set a question’s worth within the activity. Changing this worth after the quiz has already been attempted is known as curving the grade.

Quiz Activity: Manual Grading [Faculty]

The manual grading function allows teachers and graders to individually grade quiz questions. The most common manually graded question type is an essay question.