Information on the basics of Zoom

Articles (9)

Download or update Zoom desktop application

Host and Participant
The Zoom application releases new versions to provide new features and bug fixes to the web conferencing platform. It is highly recommended to upgrade to the most up-to-date version of Zoom.

Join a Zoom Meeting

Host and Participants
We will discuss how to join an instant meeting through, email invite, and Moodle ISU. You can also join a test meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom.

Prevent Zoom Bombing

Basic steps to make Zoom meetings more secure

Schedule Zoom Meetings with Google Calendar

With the Zoom for GSuite add-on, you can seamlessly schedule, join, and manage meetings right from Gmail or Google Calendar

Update Webcam Device Drivers for PC

Software drivers are used to help the operating system know how to use the webcam. Perform these steps to test and troubleshoot the camera and video capability of a webcam

Zoom License Type Comparison Guide

A side-by-side comparison of Zoom account features between Basic and Licensed user types.